Current high score on the built in asteroids game on my mobile: 38825. Damn them for including that.
- jim 10-03-2002 11:40 pm

Where are you this very minute? Are you reading me? It's 1:33 AM Eastern time 10-04-02'
Dammit Jim, answer me.
- steve 10-04-2002 7:32 am

Yeah, I'm here. I'm part of my website now. Seriously. I can feel it when I'm walking down the street. I'm in the future. I'm bifurcated.
- jim 10-04-2002 7:35 am, sorry. Hope that wasn't too loud.
- steve 10-04-2002 7:53 am

No, but I'm going to bed now. Good night. (Still have to recharge sometime.)
- jim 10-04-2002 7:56 am

Jim spent the whole evening looking at his lap and working his thumbs, which appears to be the physical consequence of being constantly connected. The social consequence is rendering the people you're with equally as far away/close as your remote contacts. Plus he'll have to come up with a whole new range of excuses for ignoring us (sleep? yeah, sure...) He's going to dinner tonight with LKB & Wheel, so be sure to send him lots of urgent emails all evening long.
- alex 10-04-2002 5:10 pm

- jim 10-05-2002 11:20 pm

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