I'll be at the Central Park anti-war rally today in the East Meadow. I'll report from the scene in the comment thread below.
- jim 10-06-2002 7:37 pm

We're planning on leaving from the LES arount 1:30 and heading right for the 97th and 5th entrance to attempt the rendez-vous with big jimmy @ 2:00.
- jim 10-06-2002 7:46 pm

i will go, see you at 2:00
- Skinny 10-06-2002 8:58 pm

linda's coming also..
- Skinny 10-06-2002 9:13 pm

We're trying to meet on the bench @ the south west corner of 97th & 5th. Not sure if that will be possible or not. I'll call you when I get up there if I don't see you.
- jim 10-06-2002 9:16 pm

do you have your cell, whatever hope to see you
- Skinny 10-06-2002 9:19 pm

Yes. Old and new.
- jim 10-06-2002 9:37 pm

We're (mb sarah and me) here. We'll chill here at 5th and 97th for a while.
- jim 10-06-2002 10:08 pm

Pretty good turn out so far. Police presence is surprisingly low key.

Susan Sarrandon is urging us to support Robert byrd w. Virginia by calling the Capital Hill switchboard at 1 800 236 5495

Also see more at commoncause.org/iraq
- jim 10-06-2002 10:37 pm

Tim Robbins is making a successful speach against fundamentalism of all kinds.

"Our resistence is to profit from human life."

"In the name of fear we're giving power to oil men."

- jim 10-06-2002 10:44 pm

Can anyone upload pictures to the site if I email them to you? Tom? Bill?
- jim 10-06-2002 10:47 pm

I'm pretty sure the hippie hoola hoop crew are going to have a big impact on whirled peace. Get your groove on.
- jim 10-06-2002 11:19 pm

Somebody is saying the east meadow holds roughly 40,000 people. I don't know if that's true, but if it is there must be over 50,000 here. But who knows.
- jim 10-06-2002 11:32 pm

So far the highlight was when one guy threw an entire copy of the Patriot Act into the crowd and whipped everybody into a frenzy ripping it to shreds. Instant confetti. Nice.
- jim 10-07-2002 12:14 am

sounds like a good place for a smart bomb to me asshole
- anonymous (guest) 4-20-2003 8:20 am

A bomb so smart it falls in the past. Happy Easter anonymous, we care.
- frank 4-20-2003 8:48 am

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