My sister and her husband and my little niece Mary are coming for the weekend. Lots of eating planned. It will be fun to see them. I love when people come to visit NYC and I can show it off. Fun starts tonight at Alias.

[yeah, I moved this entry.]
- jim 10-12-2002 8:43 pm

Alias tonight, aKa brunch, GSI dinner, lupa lunch on Monday before their train home.

Obviously I'm rooting for the home team here with the first two slots. What's your visitor weekend restaurant line up look like?

If anyone wants to join us for Sunday dinner at GSI let me know.
- jim 10-12-2002 8:45 pm

me in NJ family stuff w/ linda
- Skinny 10-13-2002 4:50 pm

Hanging out with my niece is giving me a chance to see a different side of new york. For instance, right now I'm standing in the largest toys r us in the world. 45th and broadway. And there is a giant ferris wheel inside the store. Crazy. Welcome to the new nyc.
- jim 10-13-2002 11:38 pm

Lunch at lupa was the highlight, I think. GSI was good, but maybe half a step below what I've had there before. Unlike most restaurants, the more people you are at GSI the better it is. It's really fun hanging out with an almost 4 year old. I call her giggle-puss. I've already started my campaign to get her to move to nyc. She said maybe when she is 25.
- jim 10-14-2002 11:00 pm

This morning she announced she was going to live with Uncle Jim in New York instead of going to school. You may not have to wait 21 years. We had a great time this week end. Thank you for playing tour guide and being our foodie leader. Everything was marvelous. My favorite was the trout at Alias. Thank MB for us as well. It was wonderful to see you both. We'll have to come to NYC again and soon.
- Elisabeth (guest) 10-15-2002 8:48 pm

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