While my Sister and family were in town we did a little site seeing. One stop was the Winter Garden. I never knew it was called that. This is the glass enclosed space that used to be connected to the WTC by a walkway suspended over the west side highway. I knew it as the yearly location for the orchid show. In any case, it is now rebuilt, and instead of connecting the WTC, it features big windows looking across the street at the huge pit. Probably the best viewing location, although there is really not much to see. As before, palm trees dominate this really cool looking space.

- jim 10-18-2002 9:24 pm

jim more pictures of nyc please, and what kind of computer should linda buy, laptop and i assume not apple (her choise)
- Skinny 10-19-2002 6:35 pm

I have no non apple recomendations.

More pics coming.
- jim 10-19-2002 6:38 pm

what are you a SNOB??:>):>)
- Skinny 10-19-2002 6:54 pm

No, I just know nothing about windows. If I recommend a machine there is sort of an assumption that I'll provide some technical assistence when needed. And while I can't solve every mac problem, I know a lot. With windows I'm useless. So I have no non apple recommendations. (If you want unix, I still recomend apple.)

Still, I know people who are very happy with windows, FWIW.
- jim 10-19-2002 7:02 pm

i like the sony vaios. this machine has been good to me, just it's old (bought it pre grad school in 98), and i have so much crap on here i can no longer run excel and eudora at the same time and trying to uninstall programs on windows is not a very straightforward process.

i can get a new vaio for just under 1300 - i will of course consider an apple but they are i think pricier and i am bargin shopping right now.

- linda 10-20-2002 12:24 am

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