So you mean if I just update to the most recent (december 2001) iMac firmware version (2.4f), my dead monitor will come back to life? Yup. It's true.

Not sure how I missed this crucial bit of information, but I'm sure glad to have found it.

Behold! A fully operational deathst... er, iMac.
- jim 10-24-2002 11:38 pm

Please be sure to check all information before you and your sister bury me. If I can be brought back with such a simple solution, I want to go that way. Would MB, Mike, Linda, Alex, all agree to help remind you to find a solution sooner rather than later? I trust your technology brain, Jim. Sooner is better.
- jeanne 10-25-2002 12:31 am

- Skinny 10-25-2002 5:14 am

You can all sit on the deck and drink wine while Jim decides whether I am recoverable or not.
- jeanne 10-25-2002 4:41 pm

Look Jeanne, not that I'm in any position to divine your future, but you are not going to be taken under by any undertakers until Jim is old enough to get by without you & from the levels of glee
on the tree lately that time is nowhwere near.
- frank 10-26-2002 6:50 am

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