Met last night with the apocalypse wow! inner circle. Looks like there is plenty of momentum to keep going. Lots of work to do today. Hopefully we'll get another event together for election night. After that I'm pushing for a pro alternative energy agenda. Not sure if that will happen or not.

My dream is to hook such an effort into something like the Creative Commons (even though it's not set up to deal with anything like new energy technology.) We need the foundational technology for a new free society to be held in trust for the public. And then capitalism (and patents and copyright and profits) can work on top of this open infrastructure. But the base should belong to the people.

Obviously my idea is still quite fuzzy. The dream scenario is where the genius scientist, who makes the renewable energy breakthrough, places her research into the public domain instead of selling it to Mobil. Seems crazy, yet it has worked in the realm of computer software. Very smart people can be tempted by fame (the good kind) as much as by money. Maybe more so. But there has to be a structure set up to encourage this.

The war against Iraq clearly shows how important it is to get oil out of the picture as fast as possible. There's nothing good about war, but this one is so ridiculous maybe it can be a catalyst for real change. Yeah I know: maybe.
- jim 10-30-2002 8:12 pm

- Skinny 10-30-2002 11:03 pm

talked to a law professor today about the public domain patent idea...he said that's where creative commons is heading, they're not there yet...but he might be able to find someone else to do it!
- big jimmy 11-01-2002 4:19 am

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