Spent all day going through my code making it compatible with PHP 4.2.x. What a serious pain. I also instituted one small internal change so that there is now only one file that needs to be modified when putting the system on a new site.

Tomorrow I'll put the new code base at the apocalypse wow site so we can have better messaging going on there. I forgot to mention that this is probably the "real" reason I've been so involved in this group: it gives me another great testing ground. Helping all of these organizers communicate is really fun.

And I've also put into practice some of the skills I learned watching these people take care of business. Number one being: you have to have a list of stuff to do, and then you just go down the list crossing things off as you do them. Under no circumstances are you to deviate from the list. Not surprisingly, this system works well. It's a pretty big joke that I used to not do this. How did I ever get anything done?

Oh, right, I didn't.
- jim 10-31-2002 3:19 am

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