The image upload function is about to get a nice upgrade. I've always wanted these features but didn't think I could do it before. Very satisfying to see it finally working. (Note: it's not working at this site yet.)
- jim 11-04-2002 2:28 am

I saw you fixed the double-labeling issue in the current version. Thanks. I'm curious to see what happens with the page!
- tom moody 11-04-2002 2:52 am

I swear I never touched the upload script here. Glad to hear it fixed itself!

Tom, when are we going to hang out?

- jim 11-04-2002 3:53 am

Tues or Wed would be good for me.
- tom moody 11-04-2002 5:50 am

What about the election event? I don't think the info made it onto these pages…
- alex 11-04-2002 6:06 pm

Oh right, thanks. Tuesday night we're watching election results at Smithfields - 115 Essex St (btw Rivington and Delancey.) Come on out.
- jim 11-04-2002 6:29 pm

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