Wow. Long elaborate dream last night. We were on some kind of plush party train Big Jimmy had hooked up rolling across Montana. The countryside was filled with weird space ship launching pads. And I kept trying to blog everything on my mobile. I think that helped me remember so much of the dream.

In one of the cars I met a woman who had a much cooler mobile device. It was called a Bueno Avalanche. I remember trying to write the name into a blog, and it was taking me forever because the letters kept changing around. Anyway, the device folded up in the most improbably manner, so that when closed it was about the size of a book of matches, but then it would expand transformer-style into a much bigger device. I was showing her mine, but she wasn't very impressed. "That's last generation technology."
- jim 11-04-2002 7:42 pm

i knew you'd be jealous...I told her not to show you the avalanche! oh well...
- big jimmy 11-05-2002 3:12 am

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