- jim 11-06-2002 6:59 pm

As usual, Andrew had the good quote about what this election teaches us: "When real Republicans battle fake Republicans, the real ones win."
- jim 11-06-2002 7:19 pm

Yuck indeed. BTW, Andrew's story on the amount of sniper coverage vs coverage of House races (ie, insanely disproportionately high) is on the cursor.org front page today. Once again the major media did its job to give Bush his "mandate."
- tom moody 11-06-2002 7:28 pm

andrew's quote is dead on. the democrats didn't advance a distinct economic agenda, so why vote for them? but another big factor that i suspect will emerge is the neutralization of the gender gap over domestic security. the clinton coalition was african americans + unions + suburban women...turnout/loyalty for dems was down among all 3 groups
- big jimmy 11-06-2002 9:28 pm

Why vote for them? To keep at least one branch of government out of Republican control, and deny Bush his "mandate." I don't think you needed any other reason, considering what was at at stake yesterday. The Dems have done a decent job up to now of keeping Bush judicial appointees at bay. They're weasels in public but got a lot done behind the scenes. That's all lost now. I can't really blame people for despairing and not voting, since the Republicans are well-funded and cheat in elections. Still, I wouldn't want to be a non-voter in Minnesota, Missouri, or Georgia today. Goodbye, Alaska wildlife, goodbye rights, hello permanent war.
- tom moody 11-06-2002 9:45 pm

fuck! Rockstars against the republicans unite! We are going to have to shake some serious ass!
- sarah 11-06-2002 10:09 pm

It should be noted that Clinton and the Democratic Leadership Council model had success while turning the party into something resembling the "kinder, gentler" GOP that Poppy Bush promised, but couldn't deliver. The lesson for Bush the younger is that you've got to keep the war-spirit going. The same Cursor page leads to this Tom Pain.com interview with reporter Chris Hedges, who talks about the poisonous psychology of war-mongering, which is no doubt the biggest factor at play in the election results.

There is a kind of suspension of self-criticism, both as a
nation and as a person that takes place in wartime. And
that's part of what removes the anxiety of normal daily
living. We're no longer required to make moral choice.
Moral choice has been made for us by the state. And to
question the decisions of the state is to be branded, not
only a traitor, but to be pushed outside that kind of
communal entity within a society that war always
creates. And that's a very difficult, lonely and painful

- alex 11-06-2002 10:14 pm

I knew there was a reason for the resurgence of White Supper Music . There against a backdrop of perfectly crooned banality old blue eyed Mickey Death executes reality with the oldest trick of Malfickery : the big lie in broad daylight. The name of the band is The John Muhammad.
- frank 11-08-2002 12:20 am

I'm glad the Democrats, or whatever they are, lost. Most of those cowards sided with Bush on the Iraq war in hopes of keeping their seats and lost them anyway. Har Har. Sure, the Supreme Court's gonna suck, but it was moving in that direction anyway. Bring on the tough lessons and bring 'em on quick.
Maybe now people who share in common some of the principles held by the ancestors of the Democratic party, realizing that they stand for what most Americans want, will surface and get tough. The Democrats, or whatever they are, got what they deserve; minority status.
- steve 11-11-2002 3:49 pm

i have to agree with you brother...
- Skinny 11-11-2002 6:17 pm

your world and welcome to it ? it's going to take 20 years to get over it so it doesnt really matter how fast it starts. this aint gonna be fun.

- bill 11-14-2002 2:46 am

Right, no fun. Virtually every candidate I voted for, Democrats and Republicans, all of whom opposed Bush's Iraq war resolution, won. (In Oregon it seems to be less Liberal vs. Conservative and more rural vs. urban, I've heard it argued that this is what maks for the state's popular faction of progressive Republicans.) The Democrats who lost all sided with Bush on the Iraq issue. Cowardly leader seems to me to be an oxymoran. I hope Nader runs again.
- steve 11-14-2002 3:31 am

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