Apple released kick ass new portables. Same form factors. The iBook is now $999 - $1850 (my pick: $1500 = 800mhz g3, 640 megs ram, 30 gig hard drive, DVD/CDrw, Radeon 7500 w/ 32 megs) and the Powerbook is now $2300 - $3000 (my pick: $3000 = 1ghz g4, 512 megs ram, 60 gig hard drive DVDrw/CDrw, Radeon 9000 w/ 64 megs !!!)

These are very competitive machines. You can find something cheaper on the Windows side, but it won't be as good. And it won't be that much cheaper. I don't even think you can get a recordable DVD at all (or did Sony just announce one too?)

Nice boost to Apple's struggling line up.
- jim 11-06-2002 7:06 pm

hmmm, the ibook looks like a nice deal. yeah, sony has a rw dvd
- linda 11-06-2002 10:55 pm

You should check it out at the apple store first. The screen (on the 12 inch) is very sharp and bright. But it is small. I like it, but you should definitely go in and play with it for a bit if you are considering it. Just to make sure. But probably your young eyes are up to the task. (And it's actually not small compared to Mike's VAIO.)

- jim 11-06-2002 11:05 pm

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