Art Medlar wrote to David Weinberger pointing out that if you search for 'http' in google you get the raw ordering of pages by rank. Wow. No big surprises, but very cool.
- jim 11-09-2002 10:39 pm

for some reason i'm kind of sceptical about the high positions of the world bank, the world health organization, and amnesty international...?
- big jimmy 11-10-2002 9:56 am

as i have all-ways said, i would rather have "High friends in places" than "Friends in high places"
- Skinny 11-10-2002 5:29 pm

Well, remember, this ordering is based on "google rank" not on any absolute traffic figure. I doubt Amnesty gets enough hits to put it that high, but I'll bet it is that highly linked.
- jim 11-10-2002 7:41 pm

weird. but, great!
- big jimmy 11-10-2002 11:28 pm

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