I have the bulletin board view working now, as well as the xml feed. The later is a crazy maze of political infighting. I'm just a novice, so I can't even say what type of xml it actually is that I am employing. What I can say is that it works when you look at it in NetNewsWire lite. Still, there is so much bickering about how this type of thing should be formatted, that it may well be the case that someone could claim my implementation is broken. Whatever. I'm happy to learn as I go.

My format comes from copying the structure of Aaron Swartz's feed. But is this RSS? RDF? WTF? I guess people are still working these things out. I'm just happy it's at least basically functioning.

I'll point to it after the server switch.

[update: OK, I guess it's RDF, although it may be RSS also (that is, RDF is one way to encode RSS.) Is that right?]
- jim 11-12-2002 10:40 pm

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