What the heck is going on lately? I've been seriously productive. Lots of new features coming on line. Sure, most are small, but I've added them all in the past few weeks and they've been on the to do list for years. I guess it's something like momentum. Once you start knocking stuff off the list you see that it's really not so hard. And it feels good. So you just keep rolling. And since I'm not hitting any major hurdles I seem to be building speed.

Nice while it lasts. Ten days to vacation.
- jim 11-13-2002 11:07 pm

dangerous post...it's enough to make a user feel comfortable asking for a shitload of new features on multiple sites all of a sudden!
- big jimmy 11-14-2002 12:25 am

Does this mean that you've gotten around to the spell check, thesaurus and anagram features?
- steve 11-14-2002 3:08 am

Spell check might destroy some of the charm and personality. Be careful. Now, anagrams would be nice.

What provisions have been made for us stay-at-homes to participate in the "trip". Maps, locations, pictures, menus, commentary?
- jeanne 11-14-2002 3:12 pm

No spell check. Possibly in 12 months, but I don't want to reveal any super secret long term plans. For now there is technically no way on the server side. And yeah, that would destroy some
of the charm.

There used to be something that would count word frequency on your page and list every word you ever used, in order of frequency. That was sort of cool. Not sure where it is now. I guess lost in one of my old system backup directories.

Anagrams would be a good web service. This probably exists actually.
- jim 11-14-2002 6:25 pm

jog slim
- steve 11-14-2002 7:17 pm

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