We're back up on the new server. I made lots of behind the scenes changes so there will no doubt be some problems. Let me know if you experience anything weird (I mean in reference to this page...)
- jim 11-16-2002 12:13 am

I'm seeing your page, jpegs, back button works, everything seems good for me so far. (using explorer and mozilla)
- steve 11-16-2002 4:11 am

A search for the term "cloud nine" took me to Bill's original inquiry on treehouse. It was posted on 9-20-2000. When I go to the original page, above it is a post by Dave is dated 8-14-2002 "Fawning Flora" a Doosbury comic which I don't remember seeing (I know, "It was the drugs") But seriously, why would these 2 posts appear on the same page? Also, Some of your recent posts have not been tracking on the home page Jim. (the boutique on Ave B. for instance) I'll check other pages for tracking problems.
- steve 11-19-2002 10:19 am

Oops, Rather than a tracking glitch, I think I just overlooked a couple of the posts to your page.
- steve 11-19-2002 10:46 am

Hey Steve. Your Fawning Flora report led to a giant bug. Thanks. The problem was with preview posts being displayed for everyone (not just the poster or page owner) plus being shown in the wrong places. I believe this is now fixed.
- jim 11-19-2002 5:46 pm

Glad to be of service. Now can someone explain to me why jimlouis posted this tp the recent LaughLab joke statistics thread? I'm sure it's funny as hell but I don't get it.
- steve 11-19-2002 6:19 pm

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