Where can I watch oil and gold prices? Any links?
- jim 3-24-2003 7:22 pm

There's this for oil. I was hoping for some sort of real time graphic thingie though. Where do the pros get this sort of thing? Subscription services?
- jim 3-24-2003 7:38 pm

nyt business
- bill 3-24-2003 7:53 pm

- dave 3-24-2003 8:08 pm

Pros use fairly expensive subscription services. I assume there are all sorts of regulations involved with delivering live quotes. Hence, the expensive subscription. Free stuff on the web is typically 20 minutes old.

I use Yahoo Instant Messenger (don't shoot me!) for IM at work. It has a stocks tab that will let you monitor the price of just about anything and has configurable alerts to let you know when something is really moving.

If you have online banking you might dig around there.
- david (guest) 3-24-2003 8:47 pm

Is that Mr. Rice? Thanks for the info in any case. I guess 20 minutes is good enough for me.

I still have to look into this Yahoo IM. Seems quite powerful from what I keep hearing.
- jim 3-24-2003 9:12 pm

Excellent. Thanks Dave.
- jim 3-24-2003 9:13 pm

yep, it's rice.
- david 3-24-2003 9:42 pm

Nice. Keep that cookie.

You weren't in Bali for that bombing, were you? Did you get any feelings (safe/unsafe) traveling as an American through SE Asia?
- jim 3-24-2003 9:45 pm

No, not in Bali, but was still in Australia, so I was very much in the midst of that story. Very sad stuff. Not very smart terrorists in Bali -- if you want to target Americans don't bomb a club where backpackers and footballers gather -- not a big intersection with Americans there.

The only Muslim country I visited was Malaysia. And I was in Borneo which is less than 100% Muslim and probably a bit less intense than the mainland in terms of any tension. I felt very safe there. They're incredibly friendly, welcoming people. I did a couple of homestays and most locals were surprised that my government 'let' me visit a Muslim nation.

Also spent a bunch of time in Lao and Cambodia. Felt very safe there as well (although i did miss a bus getting gunned down in Lao and a nasty Thai/Cambodia border closing by a matter of days). For the most part it seemed folks were very happy to meet an American as they don't see too many. (For every American travelling abroad there must be 10 Brits and Australians -- does anyone have stats on the percentage of Americans who have even bothered applying for a passport?) And most everyone in SE Asia easily differentiated between Bush and the people of America. Did not encounter the mob mentality that the American press/gov't presents to us.
- david 3-24-2003 10:17 pm

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