Hot off the press (thanks Chris!): ServerStore, an iTunes 4 internet playlist sharing database.

I also spotted this one recently: iPod tracks -> desktop. I haven't had a chance to test this yet, but apparently it lets you copy tracks from a connected iPod (right from the iPod playlist in iTunes) to your desktop. This would be a big improvement over something like Podmaster which does the same, but has to be run as a cumbersome and slow seperate application.
- jim 5-02-2003 12:32 am

I've only spent a little time using ServerStore and I love it. Forget Apple's 30 second previews! Listen to the whole track/album before you buy.

My only complaint is that there is no way to tell what the connection speed of any of the shared playlists is with out connecting to it and watching iTunes buffer every 10 seconds.
- Chris 5-02-2003 12:54 am

I heard that the number of outbound connections might be capped (like at 10.) Any indication this is true? I guess bandwidth constraints would cap this naturally in any case.
- jim 5-02-2003 1:11 am

I have no idea. Shouldn't that be left up to the proprietor of the stream? I'd like that control...
- Chris 5-02-2003 1:17 am

You'd think (and I'd wish,) but there are laws that regulate internet radio, and being able to stream an unlimited number of streams would make you something like an internet radio station. I heard Apple got around having to deal with these legal issues by capping the number of streams possible. But I'm not saying I believe this. Seems like bandwidth constraints would be enough.
- jim 5-02-2003 1:32 am

Take a look at iPod Access. I just used it this evening to transfer 15GB of MP3s. It's really fast and also retains the artist/album folder structure making imports into iTunes real easy. I also like the search functionality built into it.
- Chris (guest) 5-02-2003 6:31 am

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