Interesting speculation about problems with google running out of unique IDs for web pages.
More weirdness with google.
Slashdot thread.
I wondered. Checking my page's "link universe" with usually pulls up about 80-100 pages (with much duplication) but now I'm getting "1-1 of 1" link(s). Don't know if this glitch is included in the discussion, but I look forward to reading more of it to see what's up.
- jim 10-07-2003 12:44 am
More weirdness with google.
Slashdot thread.
- jim 10-07-2003 12:50 am
I wondered. Checking my page's "link universe" with usually pulls up about 80-100 pages (with much duplication) but now I'm getting "1-1 of 1" link(s). Don't know if this glitch is included in the discussion, but I look forward to reading more of it to see what's up.
- tom moody 10-07-2003 1:12 am