I just erased my whole page. No I didn't mean to. Yes I'm pissed. Yes I'm stupid. AAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH.
- jim 8-15-2000 9:12 pm

- anonymous (guest) 8-15-2000 10:43 pm

well that means i can keep the same password!!--peace bro
- Skinny 8-17-2000 11:20 am

Condolences and hugs. It may be genetic, so not your fault. Mom
- jeanne 8-19-2000 1:50 pm

you sound like a great mom and i cant wait to meet you--but dont try to cover up for him!!:>)
- Skinny 8-20-2000 9:31 am

I'm quite sure it isn't genetic. love, E.
- elisabeth 8-21-2000 6:59 pm

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