MB is away for the weekend, so I've had lots of time to work. Almost cleared my plate, so I can start thinking about this page again. I'm going to give one shot at restoring the lost posts (there is some redundancy in the system which might be a feature or a bug depending on how you look at such things, but it might allow me to extract a copy of everything from the database - the harder part will be putting it back on the page where it belongs.) On the other hand, maybe I'll use this event as an excuse to change the focus of my page. I wish the new office was done (and that I would pull the trigger on making the new machine purchase for MB) so that I could go back to Final Cut/Flash experiments. But now with the (rather unbelievable) rumors about G4 powerbooks at Seybold in September (I was thinking February,) I may have to wait some more before deciding. Blah, blah, blah. Beautiful Sunday anyway. Enjoy.
- jim 8-20-2000 7:44 pm

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