Here's the code from the ILOVEYOU visual basic worm/trojan horse. (Well, I can't prove that this is it, but since I believe cam and he says this is it... I actually received zero copies of it, or I would have caught a version myself. Visual basic looks worse than Perl! (Although granted, the line breaks got mangled on this version.)
- jim 5-11-2000 7:56 pm

I had at least six copies over three days at work. We were warned by fax before I checked the mail, so no damage was done, but it was passed throughout the agency email system. I know you shouldn't open unknown attachments, but I'm not sure I would have been that sensible if I hadn't been on the lookout.
- alex 5-11-2000 9:02 pm

Yeah, I should have mentioned something about that. This virus, and many many others are written in Visual Basic (another blessing from Microsoft.) In order to execute, a visual basic file MUST end in .vbs. Any attachment that ends in .vbs is definitely some sort of program (and definitely not a love letter.) If they had named the attached file lovelettertoyou.txt it would not have worked. So one good thing for everybody to know is never ever under any circumstances (that means ever) open an attachment that ends in .vbs unless you are sure of what it is (and not just who it is from, becasue remember, the virus replicates using your own address book, so it will look like it is coming from someone you trust.) [side note: it worked! I had completely missed this response from Alex, but the home page clued me in, and brought me right to it.]
- jim 5-11-2000 9:26 pm

i love you 2
- Skinny 5-13-2000 3:30 am

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