Looks like Metallica might be sorry for filing legal action against 330,000 of their fans. Napster has used an interesting clause in the DMCA to turn the tables on the band. Apparently, Napster is required to kick all of those people off their system, but if the individuals claim that they were falsely accused, then Metallica has to pursue legal action against each individual. And if they fail to do so in 10 days, then they forfeit, and the accounts are reinstated. Of course, everyone just signed up for new accounts under different names right away, but hopefully many people will claim false accusation (using the handy one click form that Napster is providing) and Metallica doesn't possibly have enough money to sue hundreds of thousands of individuals. Salon has the scoop.
- jim 5-12-2000 4:44 pm

wow baby!! love the mattel(ting) pot
- Skinny 5-13-2000 3:21 am

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