Today's photo is a shot of the mir space station in orbit. The Russians are preparing for a spacewalk in which they will try to patch some exterior cracks with some sort of glue. Story and photo from the BBC. Not much of a story really, but I love the way the American media always refers to mir with a little snicker, like it's some antiquated bucket of scrap metal floating around up there. And while it is true that it is very old, and most of us have more computing power on our desks than it has in total, the mere (mir?) fact that it's still up there is an amazing testament to some seriously quality engineering. And on an unrelated side note, what is that line in Dylan's Visions of Johanna that always sounds to me like: "She's delicate, she seems like the (Mir?)/ but she just makes it all too concise and too clear/ that Johannas not here..." I know it's not 'Mir' but I always think of it that way.
- jim 5-12-2000 4:59 pm

- alex 5-12-2000 6:48 pm

<self>d'uh</self> Thanks.
- jim 5-12-2000 11:42 pm

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