Outrage in the Blogger world. Apparently it's true. Mattel is going to try to take this domain away from Matt Lavallee. When I first heard this I absolutely did not believe it. Not the kind of did not believe it like "oh my god, I don't believe it" but the kind like, "that can't be true, I'm not going to fall for that put on." How can a company Mattel, sue a person over an obviously personal, non commercial site because the url is mattl.com? Especially since that's his name: Matt L. So evidently, by Mattel's reasoning, copyrights cover all similar sounding words or phrases, even when used in contexts where no possible confusion could occur. As Matt himself said: "...put simply:OMFG." He promises to post the text of the cease and desist letter tomorrow.
- jim 5-12-2000 10:13 pm

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