I'm listening to: Louis Armstrong Hot Fives and Sevens
Most recent book purchace: Cascading Style Sheets: the definitive guide
Mailing lists I'm still on: CHI-web (computer, human interface)
Mailing lists I'm no longer on: Blueworld Dreamweaver list, and that ridiculously high volume Flash list.
old computer I'm using now: Power Computing Power Center pro (with 128 megs ram and a 19'' Radius monitor.)
Newer computer I will get back soon from the lovely MB: Blue and white G3 400 with 256meg ram and 37gigs of storage.
Favorite recent blog topic: riotHero's soul searching about whether he should experiment with drugs.
Most overpriced meal I've had lately: Tabla
Best restaurant that is so crowded I don't want to go anymore: 71 Clinton St.
- jim 5-17-2000 7:38 pm

1) how do i get to past as wheel and not anonyomous 2) why was the meal overpriced at tabla the prix fix or the wines (which were priced very fair) 3) hot restaurant tip is Meigas (hudson/king??)
- anonymous (guest) 5-17-2000 9:32 pm

the proper response to clinton st is -- "nobody goes their anymore. its too crowded" -- uttered by one lawrence "yogi" berra.

as for riothero, i wonder if i had the presence of mind in high school to consider plants amoral.
- dave 5-17-2000 10:53 pm

Wheel: Go here and sign in with your name/password (your new ones.) If you've done that, or if it still doesn't work, check to make sure you have cookies enabled. In the edit menu in Netscape, select Preferences (bottom choice.) A menu pops up, in the categories on the left, select Advanced, and then on the bottom half of the box should be the cookie controls. You should see choices for "Accept all cookies" "Accept only those cookies that get sent back to the originating server" and "do not accept cookies." Either of the first two will work, but you probably want the second (middle) choice. Also, if you have a high tolerance for annoying pop up warnings, you can select "Warn me before accepting a cookie" which will pop up a warning everytime a site tries to set a cookie on your machine. Nice in theory, although it gets old pretty quick.

Works for me, but there could be something else screwy.

Oh yeah, there is that old problem that might be poking its head back up. Sometimes cookies are foiled if you use the shorter digitalmediatree.com... address. You must use www.digitalmediatree.com... or the even longer http://www.digitalmediatree... (the important part is the www.) Just digitalmediatree.com will find the site, but cookies won't work (and hence it won't know you are the Wheel.) I'll bet that's it.
- jim 5-18-2000 2:08 am

Alright, you got me on the Tabla. I guess it was more like sticker shock than over priced. Of course the wines were amazing, and the food was good. Certainly not cheap, but it's not trying to be. Somehow it just seemed to add up a little quicker than I was expecting, and the blow wasn't cushioned by any bloated, drunken, sugar-highed thoughts of "this was the best meal ever..." which has soothed the economic impact of other stratospheric meals (like Dolada which didn't hurt at all.) Oh well. Good company for sure:)
- jim 5-18-2000 2:17 am

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