I've been ignoring this one because it seems way too crazy to actually pass. Unfortunately it has already passed the Senate, and is waiting on a vote in the house. I guess it would be struck down eventually in the courts even if it did make it into law, but still... (Don't rant, don't rant, don't rant...) All I'm going to say is that I am definitely moving out of the coutry if this one passes. Here's the full text of the bill.
- jim 5-19-2000 3:57 pm

i blogged a similar item under the conserv/lib question. i have to stop think that these republicrats represent liberal inclinations.

how about ol' gen mccaffrey as one gungho military psycho? he was waiting for the word to take baghdad before the ceasefire was implemented in iraq. take no prisoners kind of guy. hey, lets put him in charge of drug war thats just the kind of thinking we need.
- dave 5-19-2000 4:36 pm

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