Another virus for the windows/outlook express crowd. I'm rather puzzled by the press coverage though. This one is nasty, sure. Tries to erase your hard drive. Not nice. But come on, this is easy to deal with. These virus' are written in Visual Basic (snickers from the stuck up geeks.) In order to execute, a visual basic file name must end in '.vbs'. Another extension to watch out for is '.exe'. The answer to 99% of these problems is just to look at the extension on any attachment you receive (even from a name you trust.) If it ends in either .vbs or .exe throw it in the trash. Simple. I wonder if these news agencies feel they will be liable in some way if they give any advice. Strange that they hype it up so much, and talk about virus protection programs, and never just say how easy it is to watch your own back. Or is it that they think people are sort of stupid?
- jim 5-19-2000 8:42 pm

i was just listening to an npr newsfeed and i heard janet reno announce to the world that if you see a vbs file in an email to delete it. the press seem more content to agitate than to educate though for the most part. but im not sure if you hadnt mentioned it to me previously would i have known what she was talking about. most people dont(including me) know an exe from a vbs from an lsd. so, whats my point? dratfink rules!
- dave 5-19-2000 9:15 pm

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