The more you learn the more you wonder who the hell is in charge. Apparently Microsoft Outlook surpresses the file type extension on attachments (i.e., the .vbs or .exe part of the filename.) Huh? I'd love to hear the reasoning behind this. Apparently nobody told Janet Reno about this because her advice (which was mine also) to not open files that have the .vbs extension doesn't make much sense (since you can't see the .vbs by default in Outlook.) This makes the virus situation much more difficult to deal with. I am led to believe that you can disable this surpression (it is on by default, but changeable.) Unfortunately I do not know how to go about doing this, but you might want to look into this if you are using Outlook. Look for something in Preferences that mentions attachments and extensions or file type. And while we are on the subject, here is a great summary of the kind of crap that Redmond tries to pull. You've got to love bug business. (I swear that was a typo, but I'm not going to fix it.)
- jim 5-20-2000 6:52 pm

If one had the ability and desire to create a nasty little virus, it seems probable that the target audience would be somehow Microsoft related, I mean let's f with the big guy kind of reasoning, and probably these attacks will get worse, or even if they don't I would be interested in hearing a long, long winded pros and cons discussion of alternate systems/programs, that are not Microsoft (I'd like to get rid of AOL too). I would love to have a microsoft free system. I'm Windows 98, on an AmdK6 Hewlett Packard IBM clone, AOL/Netscape, Freeinet/IE5, Word 97, I deleted all my Outlook Express type crap long ago but I know there must be some sort of Microsoft residue inside my machine. And there's a bunch of other Microsoft files on this machine I never use. What about it Jim, could you start a discussion, or maybe a separate page like that Applesauce thing you accidently deleted. Free the World. That is, I mean, after you figure out why I am being posted as anonymous instead of jimlouis, not that I mind the anonymity, quite the contrary, but curiosity rules.
- anonymous (guest) 5-21-2000 2:18 am

I just wanted to see what happens if I change my name
- anonymous (guest) 5-21-2000 5:19 am

- anonymous (guest) 5-21-2000 5:20 am

What have you done with the real Jim Louis?
- alex 5-21-2000 5:44 am

That's what I'm talking about. Help me, somebody please, Helppp. And I know I'm a plagiaristic bastard for saying this but goddammit, can anyone hear me, does anyone care?
- anonymous (guest) 5-21-2000 5:59 am

Dammit jimlouis, if you would not only read the postings of others but try to comprehend their meaning as well, you would not have these problems. So I'm suggesting that you look to the recent problems of the Wheel for your answer and...

...Ohhh, ok, sorry I panicked, jimlouis is an ass.
- jimlouis 5-21-2000 5:14 pm

i agree i am in merida mexico and i dont know whom is in charge of country nor my self-the fish here though is sure tasty-listening to "wish you were here"-the celestun house was a nono and i think i might go see fidel before uxmal-RTR
- anonymous (guest) 5-22-2000 1:12 am

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