More conflicting info about my next computer. zdnet has a piece about new G3's due this fall from IBM with clockspeeds from 500 - 700 mhz. The article speculates that these will go into the next generation powerbooks which they anticipate sometime in the fall. D'oh. What about the G4e that a different IBM spokesman said we'd see in a portable before the end of the year? I guess that was too good to be true. This new time table seems more reasonable. New G3 powerbooks in the fall. OS X and multi-processor desktop G4's in January, and THEN the G4e powerbook in the spring. Not quite as fast as I'd hoped.
- jim 5-26-2000 7:24 pm

I was looking for a post relating to the G3 333 Lombard but couldn't find one, anyway, I've been offered a G3 Lombard in exchange for a day of labor. It's a pretty sweet machine, running 10.2.8 flawlessly. I've spent most of this day on the web trying to determine if I could possibly make it wireless, as far as I can tell it does have one PCMCIA slot which I would need in order to install a wireless card
Replacing the CDROM drive with a DVD would require that I also install a PCMCIA DVD decoder but all this would have to come later. And then there's that 4 gig hard drive... it all seems kind of stupid as I'm finding loaded G3 Pismos on ebay for around $600, But I could have this tomorrow and I'm not really in the market to shell out big bucks. Jim, as far as you can tell can a 333 Lombard be made wireless? Do you think it makes any sence at all for me to trick out this machine? I just want a laptop for wireless surfing, word processing and dvd watching.
- steve 8-30-2004 6:21 am

Does it really run 10.2 flawlessly? I don't think it is supported on that machine (but that doesn't mean it won't work, just that apple won't help you if you have any trouble.) I would think it would be terribly slow (as OS X is a bit of a resource hog,) but if you've played with it a bit obviously you know how fast it is.

I don't think getting a wifi card to work would be a problem.

How much RAM does it have? You'll certainly need 512 megs to avoid the constant beach ball, and beware that older RAM can be *much* more expensive than currently popular types (but, also, you can sometimes find a deal on a used chip.)

It's really about the price I guess. It's not going to be a great machine (since it is underpowered for running X,) but if it's cheap enough...
- jim 8-30-2004 5:58 pm

So far no problems with 10.2, but I'm not using photoshop or illustrator, just screenwriter and safari. It's only got 128 megs of ram, but the chips I'm finding online seem pretty cheap.
- steve 8-30-2004 6:28 pm

tlfed good
- Hayrder (guest) 7-18-2022 5:27 am

good i like wow
- hawk (guest) 7-18-2022 5:28 am

me too
- steve 7-18-2022 10:52 am

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