Brig (no, I don't really know her, but I'll call her Brig as if I did...) has a poll on her page today about webloggers and gender. Pretty even score so far (boys just slightly in the lead.)
- jim 6-01-2000 7:50 pm

i clicked in earlier. i also took note of "brigs" age which is listed as 30. yet she seemed young to you. i think a good poll would be bloggers ages.
- dave 6-01-2000 8:03 pm

She's a young looking 30, but that's about what I would have guessed after seeing her. I had seen a picture somewhere before and thought she was 40 - 45 ish so 30 seemed "young." (And it is young isn't it? I mean unless you read a lot of web logs, then it seems sort of old:)
- jim 6-01-2000 11:09 pm

i was thinking young compared to you when i read what you had written not supposing that you thought she would be older.
- dave 6-01-2000 11:18 pm

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