Dave linked to an article yesterday at edge.org, and while I was there I spied this other gem: Is the Market on Prozac? I hadn't thought this before, but it really could be the case. Here's a little from the piece by Randolph M. Nesse, M.D.:
The press has been preoccupied with possible explanations for the current extraordinary boom. Many articles say, as they always do while a bubble grows, that this market is "different." Some attribute the difference to new information technology. Others credit changes in foreign trade, or the baby boomer's lack of experience with a real economic depression. But you never see a serious story about the possibility that this market is different because investor's brains are different. There is good reason to suspect that they are.

Prescriptions for psychoactive drugs have increased from 131 million in 1988 to 233 million in 1998, with nearly 10 million prescriptions filled last year for Prozac alone. The market for antidepressants in the USA is now $6.3 billion per year. Additional huge numbers of people use herbs to influence their moods. I cannot find solid data on how many people in the USA take antidepressants, but a calculation based on sales suggests a rough estimate of 20 million.

What percent of brokers, dealers, and investors are taking antidepressant drugs? Wealthy, stressed urbanites are especially likely to use them. I would not be surprised to learn that one in four large investors has used some kind of mood-altering drug....

- jim 6-02-2000 2:13 pm

how was your day watching technology?? isnt tech watching you??
- Skinny 6-03-2000 3:38 am

I would not be surprised to learn that one in four large investors has used some kind of mood-altering drug. --------yeah money
- Skinny 6-03-2000 3:41 am

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