Lots of quick links today. First up, genehack refreshes our memory with a link to As we may think, the 1945 essay by Vannevar Bush. Amazing. Is it that he saw the future, or that people built the future he saw? I can't think of a better starting place for the historian of computers. A modern example of the knowledge sharing made possible by the information devices Mr. Bush predicted is nanodot.org, yet another slashdot style site, this one run by the foresight institute and of course covering the world of nanotech research. Looks good. Tord Jansson gives us his first draft of Why software shouldn't be covered by patents (from advogato) while the Free Protocols Foundation explains why we should just say no to WAP. Will Sanchez (lead Darwin developer from Apple) outlines, interestingly, some of the problems integrating the MacOS and UNIX (if you're into that sort of thing.) And finally, Simon St.Laurant tries to poke a little hole in the hype, as he explores some of the problems generated by the transition to XML.
- jim 6-25-2000 4:56 pm

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