It's getting pretty exciting on the software front. Microsoft's new .NET strategy has really stoked the fires. Perhaps because it sounds just like what everybody except Microsoft has been saying for the past couple of years. Now that Microsoft has bought in, things are going to evolve fast. Tune in to scripting news for near constant reports from the trenches. Here's a typically insightful link. Lots of buzzwords, sure, but that may be the best explanation of what's happening I've heard lately. The key point, I think, is that we are trying to enable our data (content, documents, ect...) to be understood (read, processed) by software. Until now we've only been concerned with our data being accessible to people. Making the jump from human readable to machine readable is a big jump. It is like we are turning our minds inside out. The process of externalizing our minds is the process of completely specifiying how it is that we process information in our minds. Producing this complete specification is the same as producing software that can do the job. XML is not any sort of answer. It's the starting point. It's a specification for how we are going to describe this externalization of our thought. It's not the externalization itself. That will be something implemented using XML (not XML itself.) I think the real fun part is about to begin.
- jim 6-26-2000 10:44 pm

and how much fun is that!! keep us informed me brother--p.s. how much tequila did you drink??
- Skinny 7-05-2000 2:32 pm

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