This is one of the things I'm waiting for: the Mozilla editor. This will be a key piece in building the two-way web (start reading at The Web as groupware section for the shorter version.) In other words, Mozilla, and the Mozilla editor specifically, could be the thing that takes web authors (those writing directly to the web, like we do on this site, through little textarea input boxes) to the next step. Imagine that our little posting page was actually a full text/html/image editor. Nice. I've been playing around with M16 (latest milestone release in the Mozilla march to commercial release) and I can safely say that the editor is not ready. But it is really cool. And it's gotten a lot of people thinking. Enabling collaboration (reading and writing; consuming and authoring; the two-way web) is the mantra of web developers. And I would think everyone has their fingers crossed for Mozilla.
- jim 7-01-2000 4:10 pm

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