From the lunch files. If you are a gazpacho fan (and who's not?) you better get over to Sacred Chow (Hudson around Christopher) before their heavenly fruit version is all gone. Incredible summer fare. Trust me on this. Best thing I've had in weeks.
- jim 7-13-2000 6:23 pm

what the sustance page is too good for U???:>)
- Skinny 7-17-2000 2:31 am

was it the watermelon gazpacho?? with the avacado onion cilantro--yummy!!!
- Skinny 7-19-2000 12:00 pm

You can reproduce that, right?
- jim 7-19-2000 6:09 pm

can try fresh organic ingrediants and anything is possible--p.s. i may be getting some fresh fish on tues so keep it free!!
- Skinny 7-19-2000 8:08 pm

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