Stephen King has already released one book (albeit quite a short one) over the web. Apparently he was dismayed to find that he could not read it on his own computer. He uses a Mac, and of course the encryption software his publishers used to encode his book only works on Windows machines. So this time around he is releasing his new work on his own site without any of the encryption (or any of the publishers.) He is going to use the honor system, hoping enough people will cough up the $1 per section (released sequentially.) Oh my god. Somebody rich and powerful is doing something reasonable. Has he been talking to that troublemaker Courtney Love or something? The publishing industry must be extruding red rock based rectangular building blocks about now, if they even know what is happening. "This is the end... beautiful friend."
- jim 7-22-2000 10:06 pm

two interesting articles on napster and digidistribution at inside -- superdistribution and jupiters numbers on cd purchases with regard to napster.
- dave 7-23-2000 12:50 am

Those inside articles are good. I haven't been reading it. Thanks.
- jim 7-23-2000 4:15 am

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