Bunch of links for your weekend viewing pleasure. Here is a story about the great Sage synthesizer fraud which might appeal to any budding multi-media product forgers. Here is the scoop on why some numbers are less random than others which is some mind blowing math, although someone else had a good explanation about why it can't be applied to horseracing as is jokingly mentioned. And here is some far out stuff on the biological wireless internet. That reminds me of the amazing sci-fi book I am in the middle of right now, Greg Egan's diaspora. It takes place in a distant future and some of the intelligent life lives inside computers, having put themselves in there centuries before. (Sort of, it's much more complex than that of course.) Others have taken on cyborg bodies, but still inhabit the physical world as we know it. Others have stayed in the flesh. Really interesting so far. If you like that kind of book, then you'll like this book. Sez me.
- jim 7-23-2000 12:19 am

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