In all the Napster hysteria the DeCSS trial is getting overlooked. I guess it's a little more technical, so it's harder to report on. I won't even try, but I had to post this little exchange from the trial that was quoted on techdirt.
Q = Mr. Garbus, attorney of
A = Ms. Reider, Chief Operations Anti-Piracy, MPAA, witness of plaintiffs

"Q. How did you know to go to the LiViD website, download the material you downloaded in October and November? A. I'm an investigator. I followed a trail there. Q. Tell me what the trail was. A. I read about it on Slashdot."
What do you mean "get back to work Jim"? - I'm not surfing; I'm investigating.
- jim 7-28-2000 7:09 pm

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