I love to watch as bloggers go through the required ritual of second guessing and self doubt which seems to crop up every 6 months or so. Why am I doing this? I'm a loser. Stuff like that. Here's an exceptionally good one."<snip>...You're supposed to write about sex and drugs and things. Jenni from Jennicam slept with her best friends' boyfriend ON CAMERA. What have you done lately?...</snip>"
- jim 7-30-2000 4:27 pm

did you read about the Balbaak stones from your link?? would love to see them!!!
- Skinny 7-30-2000 9:36 pm

Yeah, I read that page regularly. Those stones sound cool. I don't know anything about them though. Here's the only thing I could find with a quick search of google. Two very poor quality pictures a little down the page. Looks like Rome to me.
- jim 7-31-2000 4:59 pm

next time over here ask to see a book i have--you have to look at the two stones to understand...
- Skinny 7-31-2000 5:24 pm

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