Is it just me, or is there something unsettling about this BBC headline: Bush meat destroying African species?
- jim 8-03-2000 3:55 pm

which bush??
- Skinny 8-03-2000 7:49 pm

nice picture. what is it?
- dave 8-03-2000 9:08 pm

It's a link.
- alex 8-04-2000 12:26 am

whoops. It wasn't supposed to link to that bbc story. The picture is a hoax that is going around right now. Supposedly it is an actively cooled 1.2 GHz mac compatible G4 computer system. The page is here (the server has been swamped all day, so don't expect fast response times.) At least one major mac site fell for this and posted it as true. Pretty elaborate hoax. I'm usually kind of gullible, but I spotted this one right away. 1.6 Gtexels per second indeed.
- jim 8-04-2000 12:44 am

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