Great dinner at Lupa last night (Thompson, north of Houston.) They can cook pasta. Not sure what got into me (barbara d'alba -> rofosco, maybe,) but I started arguing, a bit too loudly, my not too well reasoned "political decentralization as a prelude to space colonization" rant. Anyway, apologies to my friends who have probably heard this too many times. I'll try to take it down a notch.
- jim 8-07-2000 3:42 pm

wish i was there to help keep dining to a mellow experience!!
- Skinny 8-07-2000 7:03 pm

Not to sweat, your rants nicely offset those of that other nut Jerry Manders. But I respectfully disagree with your opinion about the volume level of your voice. Indeed, I suggest that next time you try screaming at the top of your lungs, perhaps if you do it often enough you could begin to approach the level of notoriety he enjoys.
- anonymous (guest) 8-12-2000 12:26 am

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