By my own judging, I'm doing pretty well in avoiding the more contentious political battles. A few months ago I was so angry at the state of affairs here in the U.S. that I was only able to generate some rather negative vibrations when discoursing on the subject. And except for a little slip up last week at a drunken dinner, I've been doing O.K. There is some reason in trying your best just to be happy. Still, I miss the occasional good rant. Thank god Ethel the Blog has been holding up his end. And much better than I ever could. Go read his last week of entries. Way to go Steve. And I can really relate to the prize he is offering to anyone who can guess the author of a quote he printed:
"If anyone guesses correctly... they win a 'get out of hearing me rant about politics in a bar after 10 P.M. free' card, a prize for which many would trade their left eyeball."

- jim 8-09-2000 2:02 pm

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