It said: "Your face is like an imperfectly shaven tennis ball." I thought: "How true." And it was a computer that served me up this forehand volley of wisdom. The Surrealist Compliment Generator to be precise. Go there now and generate your own compliment, because "You cannot compare with the apex of a ferris wheel, nor the nadir of a ditch filled with a coelocanth's droppings." And you know it's true.
- jim 8-09-2000 2:32 pm

id have more faith if it could spel correctly --

"If seen on a disintegrating smokestack, your eyelashes would certainly compell even a wayward band of masticating cod into a feverish frenzy."

"Optical delusions still themselves when you pass by in convexing pomp and sacral trance."
- dave 8-09-2000 10:46 pm

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