Saw the Apple Cube yesterday. It is really cool looking. They had it hooked up to a 15 inch Apple flat panel. I had no idea they changed the 15 inch; now it is exactly like the 22 inch Cinema display (only smaller.) Beautiful. And frankly, it seemed much bigger than 15 inches (much bigger than the imac screen which was right next to it.) The Cube with that display makes a very slick package (although $3000 - ouch.) It's definitely my recommendation for rich people who really don't need a computer, but want an incredibly fast one just on the principal of buying kick ass equipment (that's some niche Apple has, huh?)
- jim 8-13-2000 2:40 pm

I finally got my 30" apple cinema display working on my pc but not after much work. Even though you
would think fron the box and the website the ati x850 pe will work with the 30" cinema display, word
of warning.. it wont. AS you can see from this link.. It doesn''t work. The ati 9600 pc/mac
edition DOES work though, but its impossible to find.. mail order only..
- Wayne Bienek (guest) 11-08-2005 9:48 pm

It is a beautiful monitor, no doubt about that. But yeah, you need a dual link DVI connector which the x850 doesn't have (as you've discovered.)

Not of any interest to you (I see you're running Windows,) but it's nice to see the new 15 and 17 inch Powerbooks will now drive this 30 inch flat panel.
- jim 11-08-2005 10:05 pm

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