What happened to Cam's CMS mailing list? I almost got crushed by the volume at first, and now not a single post for days. What gives? Maybe I was unsubscribed. Or maybe everyone decided it really wasn't so great after all? I was starting to think so. I had hoped it would be about people designing their own CMS's; but it turned out to be more about people debating the relative merits of different commercial packages. I can already read Dave Winer talk about frontier on his site. Did he kill the discussion by participating too much? Was the topic just too broad? Or is everyone just really busy right now, and I should calm down and wait for things to pick up again? You know, I was starting to expect those mails...
- jim 8-25-2000 3:45 pm

I thought maybe I too was unsubb'd - I should check the archives.
- guest 8-25-2000 4:28 pm

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