I know you are probably all wondering "Hey, I wonder how the work on the new office in Jim's building is going?" Well, it's funny you should ask, because I've got a few pictures. You see, I woke up the other morning with a terrible pounding in my head. I groaned, not sure why I should have such a splitting hangover. Then I realized I didn't. There really was a pounding in my head, and it was Louis driving a sledgehammer into the side of the building over and over again. Those things really echo in a tiny brick airshaft. Anyway, I quickly realized that the work on converting the basement was about to accelerate and I better get some shots while it still looks like a basement. So here you go. I guess these are the "before" shots. Check back in a month or so for the results.
- jim 8-25-2000 5:55 pm

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