Busy week. Trying to get away for the weekend. Of course this means that a million little things are popping up which have to get done first. I guess that's almost the point of going away. Not just to rest, but to get everything from your real life in order. It's like having to cross a checkpoint. If I never went away, I could just keep letting things slide until tomorrow. Letting things slide until I get back from vacation doesn't seem like as much of an option. We'll see if I'm still feeling like that on Thursday morning. Big night tonight. Bigger night tomorrow. Must work now.
- jim 8-29-2000 4:37 pm

what time are we leaving??
- Skinny 8-29-2000 5:06 pm

Any chance at making 1:00 pm? We'll come pick you up where ever you need.
- jim 8-29-2000 9:12 pm

50 8th ave--weather looks great so far--wine i believe is at the grape--my mom is excited--sure your mom is too--providence sounds like fun--appreciate the companionship--nice end to my 40th year!!--and the begining of my next 40!! ++??
- Skinny 8-29-2000 9:28 pm

The Centerville Mom is very excited. Drive safely (see, I am a mom) It is supposed to be humid on Thursday and part of Friday, glorious on Saturday thru Monday. The air conditioner will be on, plump pillows, thirsty towels, etc
- jeanne 8-30-2000 11:28 pm

sounds great--the internet weather stations are predicting a rain storm friday night and all day saturday:<(
- Skinny 8-31-2000 12:02 am

wine line up is*****1960 cossart gordon sercial*****1995 sandrone barolo la vigna*****1985 la rioja alta gran reserva "cuvee 890"*****1985 gimmonet blanc de blanc "cuvee 2000" and none for the thirsy towels!!
- Skinny 8-31-2000 12:05 am

Oh my goodness, I have to hide all my cheap wine bottles so Wheel will not know what a hovel he is visiting.
- jeanne 8-31-2000 8:45 pm

i saw lots of 95 Gigondas by Guigal--good juice!!
- Skinny 9-04-2000 4:03 pm

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