I've posted about Stack Overflow before. It's a community question and answer site with wiki-like editing capabilities for programmers and programming questions. It's a great resource.
The people behind it have just launched a sister site called ServerFault which is the same thing, but for system administrators. Assuming it's not completely dominated by Windows admins this will be very helpful to me as well (Stack Overflow has lots of Microsoft based discussion, but it isn't overwhelmed by it, and it's easy to pick through and find the areas you are interested in.)
The people behind it have just launched a sister site called ServerFault which is the same thing, but for system administrators. Assuming it's not completely dominated by Windows admins this will be very helpful to me as well (Stack Overflow has lots of Microsoft based discussion, but it isn't overwhelmed by it, and it's easy to pick through and find the areas you are interested in.)
- jim 5-29-2009 2:38 pm