Well, no Powerbooks, which is probably a good thing, but only 2 more weeks until OS X. I will be getting and installing as soon as it is out. That should provide update fodder for a few days/weeks/months. I'm actually pretty excited, which is most likely not a good thing to be over a piece of software. But that's how it is.
- jim 8-30-2000 5:52 pm

is the 6 liter standing up??
- Skinny 8-30-2000 7:58 pm

It's up.
- jim 8-30-2000 11:01 pm

up up and away--i may try to nap
- Skinny 8-30-2000 11:16 pm

I may try to die; I'm much too hung over to nap. What was the other bottle at Jeff's?
- jim 8-30-2000 11:20 pm

at jeff's we drank 89 chave hermitage, 90 coterno barolo casigna francia, 78 grange
- Skinny 8-30-2000 11:39 pm

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