Great weekend. Thanks to everyone. I'll post a picture or two later today. Nice to be back in NYC.
- jim 9-04-2000 2:36 pm

extra thanks to MB for driving!!
- Skinny 9-04-2000 2:57 pm

Thanks for the great dinner. We really had a good time. Can't wait for a return trip to Empire.
- elisabeth 9-06-2000 2:07 am

fantastic time to see each other, visit and share thoughts, eat and drink. The final event at Empire was wonderful. In the interest of full disclosure, I have to add that the leftovers/take home continued the memories. Garlic has the power to continue and sustain atmosphere and events. No wonder ancients gave it mystical powers! I am thrilled to belong to a family and family of friends of such interests and appetites!
- jeanne 9-08-2000 1:12 pm

wheres the pictures??
- Skinny 9-08-2000 4:37 pm

Except for the fact of its flawless performance, I curse that IBM 340 meg micro drive. I have 300 pictures in my camera right now, and I am simply too frightened to sit down for that monsterous downloading, sorting, resizing effort. I think I mentioned this in conversation with Mark, but I'll say it again here: what we need is a digital camera with variable level jpeg compression and picture resizing built in. I want to be able to select sets of photos still on the camera and then do a one click batch processing (say, compress to 65% quality and resize to 360px by 240px) before output to my computer. I have a relatively fast machine, but opening hundreds of +1 meg photos takes a long long time. Sure, it would take even longer for the camera to do it, but I could stay more on top of it if I could do more of the post-processing out in the field with the camera itself.

Anyway, the short answer is: soon. There are some good ones.
- jim 9-08-2000 7:45 pm

get sony on the phone!!
- Skinny 9-08-2000 10:29 pm

Maybe this is what I'm waiting for?
- jim 9-11-2000 5:48 pm

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